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NOM, in damage mode, misreps/reduces Louis Marinelli's role

by Jeremy Hooper

This statement is an outright misrepresentation:

"Louis worked in a volunteer capacity as a bus driver during our summer marriage tour. Around this time, he started pushing Facebook supporters towards NOM and we paid him as a part-time consultant for helping us expand our internet reach. He has since chosen a different focus. We wish him well."
NOM Announces New Facebook Page! Wishes Louis Marinelli Well [NOM]

(A) Louis was not just the bus driver: He came up with this idea. We have well established that and he has confirmed it. NOM may have 6A00D8341C503453Ef0147E3D4Ceb3970Bhad a similar idea, but LJM was on it MONTHS before, as evidenced by his Twitter activity and subsequent comments.

(B) NOM fully took over Louis' Facebook page. He didn't just direct people to them -- they took over a huge network that he spent years building! And he moderated the whole page, thus the reason why NOM lost it, today, upon his resignation.

(C) Oh, and that reductive part-time consultant thing? Bullcrap! Louis was on contract, reporting directly to Brian Brown. He was not a mere intern. I know this for fact.

And most importantly,

(D) He didn't just choose a different focus: Louis Marinelli chose a different focus specifically because of what he witnessed while working with NOM and its supporters. This is not a minor distinction -- it is fundamental.

We get it, NOM: It's been a no good, terrible, bad day at the NOM/Opus Fidelis HQ. But you are the ones who reached out to Louis, even after he had put some truly vitriolic comments on the public record. OWN IT.


**EARLIER: G-A-Y Exclusive: National Organization For Marriage tour organizer/Facebook moderator does startling about-face; Exposure to NOM could lead to unintended side effects [G-A-Y] *ALSO: Michelangelo Signorile interviews Louis


*UPDATE: More on NOM's Marinelli misreps: Last year they had the nerve to discredit Huff Po journalist Alvin McEwen, saying Marinelli's Facebook was a wholly independent effort. Only problem? At this very same time, they were claiming the page as their own on their official @nomtweets Twitter: Of course NOM's misrepping Louis' role. It's the one constant of the Brown/Marinelli marriage [G-A-Y]

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