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NOM pinpoints the core problem: That they sees our lives as 'a stunt'

by Jeremy Hooper

This is how the increasingly nasty National Organization For Marriage regards married gay couples' push to have their unions fairly recognized under U.S. Tax Code:

NOMIf the Obama Administration had consistently defended DOMA, gay activists would have less reason to pull stunts like this one. Which is all the more reason to support our efforts at www.defendDOMA.com to send a clear message that DOMA will stand, no matter how much extra paperwork gay activists create.
Gay Activists Suggest Protesting DOMA In Their Tax Returns, Then Suing The Government [NOM]

Stunt? No, NOM -- the true stunt was when a mid-'90s, GOP-controlled Congress chose to whip up homo-hostile, heterosexist fervor, altering our federal law so that it would become a discriminatory, unconstitutional weapon against certain kinds of Americans. This latest effort by legally married gay couples (this writer and his husband included) who are refusing to lie about their actual status in hopes of someday having their marriages equally recognized by their supposedly just government,? Well it's nothing short of an act of patriotism!

Oh, and as for that "extra paperwork" that the pesky gays are creating through their returns? Sorry, but since that ridiculous aside is coming from a team that's willing to deforest an entire state if it means petitioning against their gay neighbors' legal marriage, you'll have to forgive us if we roll our eyes at this newfound environmentalism.

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