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NOM Rhode Island's Chris Plante: Gays' marriages 'turn children into little teacup dogs -- it's an accessory to put in my purse'

by Jeremy Hooper

National Organization For Marriage for Rhode Island Exec. Director Chris Plante:

(*note: Heinous comments about gays' children come toward the end,
but the whole thing is worth watching


Interesting that he admits he's going to get in trouble for saying it. He knows he should keep his disingenuous mask up, but he simply can't do it. It's kind of refreshing, in a weird way.


*REMINDER: This is the same guy who once said gay families gave children a "tragic situation" on par with divorced or even dead parents:

*AUDIO SOURCE: NOM's Chris Plante on Rhode Island radio [NOM]

*One more thing: Note the DVD behind Chris:

Screen Shot 2011-04-14 At 11.23.29 Am

It's the Family Research Council's uber-propagandistic, uber-fallacious "ENDA: The End of Religious Freedom in America?" More proof that NOM's agenda goes well beyond just marriage.

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