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NOM's Catholic beliefs vs. your civil rights: A continued Opus

by Jeremy Hooper

The Reston Study Center is an Opus Dei outreach in Reston. VA:

Screen Shot 2011-04-15 At 2.24.23 Pm
Working for a holier world [Catholic Herald]

So it's interesting that a staffer with the National Organization For Marriage, an obviously Catholic organization that purports to advocate for/against civil marriage, hosts a monthly seminar at said center, with said staffer's NOM credentials seemingly the reason for his role:

[Reston Study Center]

As we say every time we post one of these: NOM has every right to be a Catholic organization. Every right to advocate for the faithful marriages that support their organizational beliefs. But this is not what NOM wants. NOM wants to be see as an independent, non-partisan, secular organization that is focused on civil marriage for reasons that go well beyond faith. And this is simply a lie.


*EARLIER: NOM's essentially a Catholic group: A continued study [G-A-Y]
OPUS Fi-NOM-us: It's time for NOM to acknowledge its Catholic impetus [G-A-Y]


*Note: There's also a NOM connection to the Opus Dei Heights School. A Santorum connection as well.

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