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NY 'protect marriage' group confuses ring finger for trigger finger; basic equality retains the middle

by Jeremy Hooper

This is how the so-called New Yorker's Family Research Foundation (which also operates as New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms) is choosing to visually represent the threat we gay New Yorkers supposedly pose to the institution of marriage:

Screen Shot 2011-04-24 At 10.49.40 Pm

You get it? They mean to say we're going to take out marriage. As in shoot it. Dead. With a gun.

Though really, groups like this are to be blame if this metaphorical marriage murder ever comes to be. I mean, if they hadn't left out the grammatical gun they've so forcefully and deliberately put to the head of fair discourse regarding this issue, then no phantom gay militant would've even had access to such a rhetorical revolver, much less a need.


*Scenes from an actual NY (by way of CT) marriage: Nothing killed but several bottles of wine: 6/13/09: This is what marriage equality looks like [G-A-Y]

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