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Rep. Vicky Hartzler: What did we ever do to her, exactly?

by Jeremy Hooper

In the just over three months that she's been in office, Rep. Vicky Hartzler (Very Far R-MO) has positioned herself as one of the most anti-LGBT in Congress. Just recently we heard the congresswoman at the Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal hearings, where she painted inclusive service as "onerous" and quite literally compared defending a discriminatory military to defending the nation against foreign and domestic threats:

But beyond just DADT repeal, Rep. Hartzler also jumped into the Defense of Marriage Act conversation, attaching her name to a bill that would require the Obama administration to defend what it knows to be constitutionally wrong:

Just days after Rep. Steve King (R-IA) announced plans to cut funding to the Department of Justice because it will no longer defend the unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) has introduced legislation requiring the Obama administration to enforce DOMA. Hartzler accuses President Obama of “selectively enforcing our laws” and “breaking his word to the American people,” which could lead to “chaos.”
Hartzler Introduces Gratuitous Bill to Require Obama to Enforce DOMA [Right Wing Watch]

And again, remember: This is someone who has only been in Congress since January 3, 2011. Three months and already on the wrong side of two front and center LGBT issues in a major way.

But we're now here to remind America that this should come as absolutely no surprise. Because as it turns out, Hartzler has actually made her name on hostility for LGBT people and their fair slice of the American pie for years. And as you can see below, Ms. Hartzler's rhetoric has always been incredibly harsh, referring to gay people's legal recognition as "counterfeit" and "train wrecks" and "spectacles," positioning basic equality as hellbent on tossing heterosexual marriages on a "trash heap," and pitting God against certain people's civil rights.

Let's journey now back to 2004:


Interesting that the congresswoman is so concerned about our military's need to focus on actual battles, since she seems quite okay with her own legacy being based around/tarnished by pyrrhic "culture wars." Such a sad diversion for such a great nation.


*SEE ALSO: Mother Jones' pre-election report: Is Vicky Hartzler the Most Anti-Gay Candidate in America? [MJ]

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