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SPLC 'hate group' plans to inundate Chick-fil-A with paper: Worse for environment or Chick's PR dept?

by Jeremy Hooper

Ya know, it's interesting --- the American Family Association surely thinks they are helping with this effort:

Screen Shot 2011-04-20 At 5.17.42 Pm

But one has to wonder: Does the fast food chain, which has been so eager to downplay the eyebrow-raisers that have surrounded their political outreach efforts, really want support from one of the only sixteen groups that the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated as an anti-gay hate group? Is that really the best way to garner positive PR, in wake of the revelation that a corporate retreat center has an expressed ban on gay couples/families or that the company hosts marriage strategy sessions that purposely work against gay equality? Is the AFA really the best group to help sidestep the fact that the company gives a fryerload of cash to all kinds of anti-LGBT groups?

Maybe it is. Wouldn't be our choice. But then again, neither would funding inequality. (**Or, in full disclosure: Neither would chicken for this staunchly vegetarian writer)


*UPDATE: From a reader:


All this writer can say is, "Watch your cholesterol." Because while I know you think we're going on to different afterlives, I still don't want you reaching yours before your time.

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