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Video: American not Idle: YouTuber gives voice to Respect for Marriage Act
This is Kendra Wolcott. Her voices are great, both the one she uses for singing and the one she puts towards DOMA repeal:
Cover of Rise Against's "Make It Stop (September's Children)" [YT]
*NOTE: This is the description under Kendra's vid:
"too much blood has flown from the wrist of the children shamed for those they chose to kiss."
this is one of my favourite songs off of "endgame;" it was written in response to the suicides brought on by anti-gay bullying that happened in september, and i literally cried the first time i heard it.
currently in the United States, there is a law called the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which grants states the ability to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states (basically, if a gay couple gets married in a state where gay marriage is legal, but then moves to a state where it is illegal, the state can disregard their marriage). This is a blatantly discriminatory and unconstitutional law that affects thousands of same-sex couples in America.
recently, a bill (The Respect for Marriage Act) has been proposed to congress that, if signed into law, would repeal DOMA, and make it mandatory for all states to recognize same-sex marriages. by visiting this website:
you can sign a letter to President Obama asking him to encourage congress to pass the Respect for Marriage Act. you can also contact your congress member and encourage them to co-sponsor the bill.
for more information on DOMA, you can send me a message, or visit this website: http://www.hrc.org/issues/5443.htm
the quote at the end was from a blog post written by Nick Foti, known on youtube as soundlyawake.
You can read his blog post here: http://soundlyawake.tumblr.com/post/3029044788/when-140-characters-isnt-enough