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Video: Apple seeks conformity, says group against anything gayer than pastel easter eggs
Oh this is rich. Focus on the Family is accusing Apple of wanting everyone to think and act alike:
Uhm, Stuart: Both of these apps have the goal of "changing" gays into straights. The Manhattan Declaration app comes out against "a right to engage in immoral sexual practices," and features a whole host of "pro-family" signatories lashing out at those who fall out of line with their evangelical beliefs. And Exodus International is a program solely focused -- SOLEY. FOCUSE,D -- on using scientifically-discredited methodology to turn gays into some sort of flux state known as an "ex-gay." The whole vibe of both programs: Think like I think, diversity of the world be damned! Incidentally, the same vibe that's steered Focus on the Family's own ship for several decades now.
If there is a "cult of Mac," it pertains to the fierce devotion fans show to its i-devices. But when it comes to controlling thought itself? Well, it's the social conservatives' nonstop attempts to reshape society in their own myopic image that most ably fits this box. Attempts that sometimes over play their hands and more fully show their spots, raising questions among corporate decision makers and the larger population. That's exactly what happened here.