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Video: Winter's most filmed state capitol, as detailed by one of our chief adversaries

by Jeremy Hooper

The Wisconsin Family Council's Julaine Appling is one of that state's most prominent anti-gay voices. And now, through the joys of YouTube, we can see and hear what one of her (seemingly Walker administration-sanctioned) state capitol tours looks like.

Beyond the general anti-protestor/pro-divine-rule tone of the whole thing, some specifics worth hearing:

  • 4:20 mark: Talk of how seeing the gay marriage amendment in print made her want to try (and not in the same way it did us).
  • 6:14 mark: Claim she's getting a call and that the tour's going to Governor Scott Walker's office.
  • 6:45 mark: Distances self from Governor's office claim once confronted by an outside voice


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