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With adoption campaign, NOM is now officially an anti-gay group
With their latest campaign, focused on the right of same-sex couples to adopt in Virginia (a state where marriage is not even under current debate), the National Organization For Marriage has completely belied their supposed "protect marriage" mission:
NOM Action Item, posted on all their social media networks:
URGENT ALERT: Tell Gov. McDonnell to Oppose Same-Sex Adoption Regs [NOM]
While couched under a desire to protect religious-based adoption agencies from going against their beliefs, NOM's latest action is an undeniably anti-LGBT effort. They have voiced no real concern for the surplus of children in need of homes. No concern for the balance between civil and religious interests. Obviously they've shown no concern for the same-sex couples who deserve respect, ideally, and equality, constitutionally. NOM's sole focus has been on providing cover for those who'd rather discriminate than accommodate, with that set's supposed burden being the "protect marriage" group's only actionable interest. NOM's only answer to this situation: To put the faith-based desire to exclude some above a governmental desire to consider/accommodate all.
Fair enough. The increasingly fringe NOM has every right to admit that their gay-excluding focus goes well beyond civil marriage equality itself. But now that they're more fully revealing this hand, Brian Brown and Co. need to own their overreaching faith-based goals rather than pretending to be civil marriage equality proponents' equal counterpart. They need to stop the "protect marriage" canards and start getting real.
But since NOM most surely won't bear out their own deep mission, the rest of us must.