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25 Senators (and 2 Udalls, oddly enough) now supporting DOMA repeal
Hi, I’m Tom Udall.
I've long believed that for issues relating to marriage, decisions need to happen at the state-level. And if the states have that responsibility, then the federal government ought to respect it.
If a state allows same-sex marriage, then the federal government must also recognize those marriages as valid. To do otherwise would be unconstitutional.
FULL TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Tom Udall Announces He Will Co-Sponsor Repeal of Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) [Democracy For New Mexico]
**SEE ALSO: Join Sen. Feinstein, Rep. Nadler and Courage Campaign to repeal DOMA! [CC]
*Headline note: Only 24 Senators (all D) have signed on as Respect for Marriage Act co-sponsors. One other (also D) has said she will vote for repeal, but is not yet a co-sponsor.