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A mere 'MN reader,' NOM? Really?

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage is pushing out an editor letter that was seemingly written by a random reader of the Star Tribune:

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But what NOM doesn't tell you? That William LeMire is much more than just a concerned Minnesota citizen. In truth, Mr. Lemire is a local attorney who is aligned with groups like the very anti-LGBT St. Thomas More Society. But much more than that, for our purposes: Mr. LeMire has been known to tour around Catholic churches, giving speeches on "Reclaiming the Culture of Marriage and Life":

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And interestingly, "Reclaiming the Culture of Marriage and Life" (a program whose pdf you can see here) is also the exact same program title used when NOM's Maggie Gallagher spoke to Minnesota Catholics last spring. Note the same iconography and layout of both flyers:


So clearly Mr. LeMire is much more than just a concerned reader with a point of view born out from an equal read of the current marriage debate as it is playing out. Which is fine -- he's of course allowed to have his point of view. But with all of this talk of "the elites" trying to decide this issue in the state (something that comes up incessantly on the MN legislative floor), we think it's worth nothing the Catholic, legal (and NOM-connected?) "elite" who NOM is pushing to the forefront.

And with all of this talk of "attacks" against certain people or things, it's also worth noting the adults who quite literally take time out of their heterosexual lives to knock homosexual-headed families and the protective rights they deserve.

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