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Born out of a 'cave': CWA's brand of creationism now prizes Neaderthalic life
In protest of the King & Spalding law firm's decision to step away from a case that would've forever attached the firm's name to civil discrimination under federal law, the fans of civil discrimination under federal law at the Concerned Women For America have created a new prize called the "King & Spalding 'Cave'man Award!":
First-Ever King & Spalding "Cave"man Award [CWA]
CWA staffers say they will give the award "whenever some public figure excels in the art of failing to do the right thing under pressure." And by "right thing," they of course mean "far-right thing"; by "under pressure," they mean the "largely faith-motivated, highly discriminatory pushes of special interest groups that have turned 'culture wars' into profit centers"; and by "some public figure," they mean "one whose scapegoating will support their political interests more than support ever would." So in short: They are unironically giving these devolution-themed trophies to people whose own attitudes and outlooks have evolved beyond the Falwellian heterosexism/homo-hostility that's already divided this nation for far too many generations. Recipients should accept the awards with honor.
Submit your own nominees here: [email protected]