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Enjoy the jailing of gays? Well the MN House GOP has a gig for you!
As they continue along on the ignoble quest of writing discrimination into the state constitution, today Minnesota House Republicans did this. Minnesota Independent reports:
Minnesota House Republicans invited anti-gay preacher Bradlee Dean of You Can Run But You Cannot Hide to give the morning prayer. The prayer was so offensive to many legislators that House leadership brought in the chaplain to redo the prayer.
Dean has made many controversial statements as pastor of You Can Run, including advocating the incarceration of gays and lesbians, that the LGBT community is trying to usher in Sharia law in Minnesota, that gay men molest an average of 117 children “before they get caught,” and that Muslim nations that execute gays are more moral than American Christians.
GOP invites preacher who advocates jailing gays to give House prayer [MN Independent]
*MORE: Bachmann's Favorite Right-Wing, Hate-Talking Preacher Gives Prayer at the MN House [Dump Bachmann Blog]
Though don't worry, I'm sure the local public will fully rise up against the severity of this, and the Republicans responsible for the invite will be held accountable for the egregious choice.
Wait, what's that? No, people like Dean still largely get away with this kind of stuff? As long as they are talking about gays, the people who traffic in such claims tend to be coated with some sort of responsibility-shirking Teflon? And the elected politicians who embolden such hurtful noise still get to claim the mantle of morality and values? In fact, people seem to act like the
personally-targeted words so commonplace in this "culture war" debate are somehow detached from the movement's actual (and admitted) goals? All while the LGBT people who defend their homes and families continue to receive the "militant" and "radical" branding?
Oh. Well that needs to change, now doesn't it?