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Flyer: NOM, Diaz for marriage as it's been 'since the creation of the world'
The National Organization For Marriage join forces with NY's most vocally anti-gay senator, Ruben Diaz (D), to keep marriage as it's been "since the creation of the world." here's their flyer:
Oh, NOM. If you want an Adam & Eve marriage that's heavy on apples and snakes yet lacking in civil marriage licenses and open bars (or equality for any number of people), then by all means, be our guest. The rest of us will gladly eat from the garden of civil progress, just like the states that make up NY's entire eastern border. And just like so many other supposed marriage "radicals" have done since time immemorial.
*Oh, and NOM apparently thinks our rights-denial is quite the party:
"Lots of people having fun"? Hmm. Personally I don't find "pin the tall tale on the scapegoat" all that much fun. But hey -- different stroke, different folks.