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Game on, Minnesota: NOM, allies file discriminatory paperwork

by Jeremy Hooper

This from Minnesota's Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board: The anti-equality forces are getting active in their 2012 ballot fight against gay North Star Staters:




*REMINDER of what NOM's ally in the state, the Minnesota Family Council, has put on record/ abruptly yanked from public view. Because you should know that it goes WAY beyond marriage! And more importantly: You should make sure every Minnesotan in your contact list knows it as well:

Audio: Whole bunch of "ex-gay" promotion and general attempts to make gays sound like a public health hazard [G-A-Y]

Now-yanked docs that liken gays to things like bestiality and express outright hostility towards gay normalcy [G-A-Y]

Years of MFC lies, misreps, and propaganda all geared towards "changing" gays [G-A-Y]

Yet another yanked MFC doc: Teaching gay tolerance = 'psychological tampering' [G-A-Y]

Researcher Barb Anderson vs. those who'd "normalize" homosexuality rather than embrace her scientifically-rejected "ex-gay" viewpoints [G-A-Y]

But MFC prez Tom Prichard of course wants you to ignore all of this when looking at their marriage fight: Focus only on our current vehicle, not the sustaining gas [G-A-Y]

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