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HOLY WHOA!: Focus on the Family prez admits his side's 'probably lost' marriage fight

by Jeremy Hooper

Jim-DalyFocus on the Family president Jim Daly, speaking to World Magazine:

World Magazine's Marvin Olasky: We're winning the younger generation on abortion, at least in theory. What about same-sex marriage?

Focus on the Family president Jim Daly: We're losing on that one, especially among the 20- and 30-somethings: 65 to 70 percent of them favor same-sex marriage. I don't know if that's going to change with a little more age—demographers would say probably not. We've probably lost that. I don't want to be extremist here, but I think we need to start calculating where we are in the culture.

World: Where are we?

Daly: We've got to look at what God is doing in all of this. . . . Have we done such a poor job with marriage, is He so upset with our mishandling of it in the Christian community, along with our lust of the flesh as a nation, that He is handing us over to this polygamy and same-sex situation in order to, perhaps, drive the Christian community, the remnant, into saying, "OK, there's no no-fault divorce in our church"?
World: What's the current perception of gay activists about Christian marriage?

Daly: I sat down with one. He said, "You guys haven't done so well with marriage. Why are you upset about us having a try?" We've got to look at our own house, make sure that our marriages are healthy, that we're being a good witness to the world. Then we can continue to work on defending marriage as best as we can.
Refocused [World Magazine]
(H/t: G-A-Y reader Bill Johnson)

So stop those "protect marriage" donations right now, Focus on the Family supporters. You are throwing your money away. Even the head of the largest "pro-family" organization in America now fully admits that fact.

Wow, today really is the end of the world as we know it.


*UPDATE, 5/23: Focus gives this site an exclusive response: Focus responds to prez' marriage concession; been conceding for years, apparently [G-A-Y]

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