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Illinois Defense of Marriage Initiative: More bad PR for the 'protect marriage' movement

by Jeremy Hooper

Peter LaBarbera, the Illinois Family Institute, "ex-gay" Linda Jernigan, and representatives from TFP and CatholicVote.org (both friends of the National Organization For Marriage) are gearing up for an Illinois marriage inequality rally. A rally that, in yet another revelatory turn from the crew that's supposedly only out "protect marriage," intends to foster the ideas that our equality "gravely offends God," represents "the sexual degradation of society," and much more:

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Oh, and if that weren't enough: This coalition also likens their intended denial of our rights to "defeat[ing] the Proponents of Communism and Fascism who were out to control the lives of the Free World." Plus they want the citizenry to see pro-gay electeds representative as "the Judas of today, who sell their souls to the Devil in exchange for a few pieces of silver.":

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Get your cameras ready, Illinois locals -- We have dots to connect!


***Also interesting to note how this coalition is using the same three-person family graphic we've seen in several other states:

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How much larger movement support does this obviously incendiary rally have?

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