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Maggie Gallagher now policing people's intentions
This is the sum of Maggie's latest commentary from National Review's "The Corner" blog:
Why is it neither of the two men pushing for gay marriage in New York are interested in marrying the person they love?
Cuomo and Bloomberg [NRO]
So many ways to go with this little nugget. One could wonder how, exactly, Maggie knows what's in the Mayor's and Governor's minds. One could wonder why Maggie automatically assumes that heterosexual marital desires (or lackthereof) are solely the concern of the man in the relationship. One could wonder why Maggie, someone who lived as a single mother for over a decade, is so lacking in sympathy for the panoply that is the American family. One could ask when, exactly, taking part in a political process started requiring a personal stake (Last time I checked, neither men need affordable housing, either). One could wonder why Maggie labels Bloomberg and Cuomo as the "two men pushing for gay marriage in New York," as if the push begins and ends with them rather than extends to the countless other NY men who are quite interested in knot-tying or broom-jumping.
Or one could close one's eyes, take a deep breath, and see this weak attempt for what it is: The fading concerns of a movement that is apparently uninterested in marrying itself with long-term palatability.