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Maggie slips 'b-f***ing 101' into post; says more about own views than her opposition's

by Jeremy Hooper

Believe it or not, Maggie Gallagher recently used the following phrase in a NOM Blog post, as a way of describing inclusive sex education curriculum:

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And she wasn't referencing someone else's words either. At least not accurately. Because the source for her post was this Queerty piece. And while a commenter on that post did pointedly use that phrase precisely to describe the hysterical way the Religious Right tends to view LGBT-inclusive/anti-bullying curriculum (see comment #3 from Caligari), Queerty writer Daniel Villareal never did use these words. So when you pull back and look at how Maggie herself used this phrase, with direct attribution to a "he" who she'd earlier identified as "The Queerty blogger" (i.e. Villareal)...

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...Maggie's journalistic misstep becomes undeniable. Her agenda, equally so.


*The NOM Blog post in question: Queerty's Wrong About One Thing [NOM Blog]

*The Queerty post in question: Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids? [Queerty]

(H/t: G-A-Y commenter Patrick Hogan)

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