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NC: Another stock photo couple requests your anti-wedding presence
Next week in Raleigh, North Carolina:
The Marriage Rally will be held at Halifax Mall located directly behind the Legislative Building. You will hear from challenging speakers such as:
-Dr. Ron Baity, Pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Winston-Salem and President of Return America
-Bill Brooks, President and Executive Director of North Carolina Family Policy Council
-Dr. David Gibbs Jr., President of Christian Law Association
And more!
Make attending on May 17th a priority. Here's why: If the Marriage Amendment is approved by both chambers of the State Legislature during this session, it will finally be on the ballot in 2012 for a vote so that the people of North Carolina can have a voice.
With the assurances we have received from leaders in Raleigh, we must show our support in vast numbers to make an impact. The North Carolina our children and grandchildren inherit from us may be determined by the outcome of this Rally. With them in mind, we hope you will make every effort to support the Marriage Amendment Rally.
Watchmen On The Wall [Family Research Council]
"Return America"? And exchange it for what, one that actually respects the difference between civil rights and personal faith views?
*UPDATE: Audio: The excessively condemnatory voice of North Carolina's 'protect marriage' movement [G-A-Y]