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NOM becoming a full out anti-LGBT group: He 'represents the extreme fringe' edition
Randy Thomasson's Campaign For Children and Families group is so fringe and extreme, even the Prop 8 proponents rejected his offers to help. But don't take our word for it -- Here's Prop 8 attorney Andy Pugno speaking about CCF:
"That organization represents the extreme fringe and is not representative of the coalition that got it passed," Pugno said. "They didn't even support Prop. 8 until sometime in the summer."
Read more: Prop. 8 backers splinter as court fight resumes [SF Chron]
But that was 2008, when groups like the National Organization For Marriage (a huge ally of Pugno's) were more wont to stay focused on marriage and to keep up the appearance of high brown politicos. Here in 2011, many of us have watched with interest as NOM has drifted further and further off the course and off the issue of marriage itself, morphing into an outlet for generalized animus for LGBT people. Something they are again bearing out today with this Randy Thomasson-emboldening blog post:
[NOM Blog]
This is what NOM is now supporting: Outright hostility for LGBT's benign placement in this world:
Coming from a guy who once compared town clerks who have to marry gays with Nazi officers who were ordered to "gas the Jews."
But perhaps that's what "nom" has always stood for: The sound that will emit as they inevitable eat away their own political capital.