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One faith-fervor-initiated distraction out of the way, NY Sen. Rubén Díaz returns to old standby

by Jeremy Hooper

Brown-DiazAnd now even more from New York state senator, organizer of rallies where preachers say unbelievably hostile things about gays, person whose stated "agree to disagree" philosophy fails to apply to pro-LGBT newspapers, and deleter of fair-minded Facebook comments, Ruben Diaz, Sr. Now that the rapture is the eternal #FAIL of the year, the Democratic state lawmaker is back to his mortal life's most pressing matter:

Like many who heard about the prediction that a Biblical rapture world come upon us yesterday, I used the occasion to reflect upon my life. The rapture prediction put many of us in mind of our final judgment.

Since no rapture took place and we are here continuing with our lives, I take from this a rededication to devoting myself to protect the institutions of the family which include marriage between a man and a woman, and to promote respect for all human life.

To those who hoped that I would be taken away on the rapture day, please be assured that your negative blogging and tweeting comments have not distracted me. Instead I will proceed undeterred dedicated to my Christian beliefs.

Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz: Rededicated [NYS]

Oh Sen. Diaz. So confused, you are. Our blogging and tweets and whatnot (which are positive, principled light pushing back against your negative civil rights energy, btw) are not meant to be distractions for you. No, no -- they are meant as TRACTION for our ongoing attempts to cut through the code wording and religious overreaches that have muddied this *CIVIL* marriage debate for far too long. And in that regard, Sen. Diaz: Your contributions have been an immeasurable boon. Hell, your eye-opening 5/15 rally was like Viagra for flaccid pro-equality polling. We should be thanking you, really.


*EARLIER:About that 5/15 rally that Diaz hosted in collaboration with the National Org. For Marriage:

Presiding pastor says "Those who practice such things are worthy to death"

Preacher says "breaking traditional marriage" will bring 'judgement and wrath of God'

Sen. Ruben Diaz' wife, Leslie Diaz, calls gays an "abomination" and bases all opposition in her faith

NOM/Diaz rally speaker: Protect the family from Ricky Martin/the gates of hell

NOM's Brian Brown gives skewed, wholly religious speech

About that other group with a huge on-site presence, TFP

About that NOM/Diaz human chain

They were all just so -- happy

NOM-financed flyer supporting the event

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