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Rabbi Levin recently likened gays to 'person who has desires for underage children'; Today, he likened NOM/Diaz rally to 'good way to spend a Sunday'

by Jeremy Hooper

Another presence at today's National Organization For Marriage/Ruben Diaz rally: Rabbi Yehuda Levin:

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You remember Yehuda, right? He's the uber-fringe Rabbi who is on record calling gays "moral terrorists," blaming LGBT people for things like the Haitian earthquake and 9/11, likening the Hanukkah story to social conservatives' "defeat of liberal Jews & gays," and using some of the most extremist anti-Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal rhetoric imaginable. And then came the election of 2010, when Levin wrote a speech wherein he had then-gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino declare that he didn't want children "brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option," and then defected from the Paladino campaign after the candidate apologized for the obvious offenses of the speech.

More recently, there was this:

"I sympathize with the person who has homosexual urges
like I sympathize with the person who has desires
for underage children

And today, he was marching with/for NOM and the associated "protect marriage" agenda.



Photos from the rally

Presiding pastor says "Those who practice such things are worthy to death"

Preacher says 'breaking traditional marriage' will bring 'judgement and wrath of God'

Sen. Ruben Diaz' wife, Leslie Diaz, calls gays an 'abomination' and bases all opposition in her faith

NOM's Brian Brown gives skewed, wholly religious speech

About that other group with a huge on-site presence, TFP

NOM-financed flyer supporting the event

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