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Rev. Baity wants to 'Return America'; NOM now helping him find receipt
Today, the National Organization For Marriage is promoting Pastor Ron Baity's forthcoming "protect marriage" rally, as well as linking to Baity's "Return America" site:
So that being the case, it's now time for us to remind you of what, exactly, NOM is promoting here. Because, well -- Oh my:
Pastor Baity claims cays need to be saved/changed, science be damned:
Gays aren't "normal":
Gays are promoting "perversion" in schools:
Kids who join GLSEN clubs should "set down in the middle of next week" (a seeming play on the "knock into next week" phrase):
SOURCE: Marriage Sermon
[Berean Baptist Church]
The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trisexual, apparently) community wants to use their "lifestyles" to "recruit" folks towards the "urban renewal program" experienced by Sodom & Gomorrah, since the homosexuals' "pleasure in doing evil" is "the one sin in the Bible that causes God to act swiftly"
SOURCE: Take A Stand, 12/20/07
Oh, and then there's from Pastor Baity's monthly newsletter:
"Since they cannot produce they must recruit young people to their perverted, warped agenda. One cannot think of anything more nauseating, debased, lewd and immoral than recruiting precious young people into such shameful conduct."
Return America Newsletter, 1/2011 [ReturnAmerica.org]
But yea, you probably should listen when NOM tells you it's all about "protecting traditional marriage." Uh huh. Right. Of course it is.
*MORE CLIPS: Today, Rev. Baity is rallying in NC. Responsible NC media must note how far beyond marriage his fight really goes! [G-A-Y]