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Sen. Ruben Diaz's 'agree to disagree' lie: Part II

by Jeremy Hooper

I'm a New Yorker, politico, and contributor to the state Democratic party. However, I do disagree with the stated positions of one of the state's Democratic senators. So despite said senator's stated "let's agree to disagree" position, he and his staff will just go ahead and stick their fingers in their ears rather than listen/respond to what I, a legally married gay New Yorker, have to say on the matter, regardless of how respectfully I say it.

All of these comments are now deleted, and I have been removed/blocked from the page on the basis of them:


***UPDATE: After I sent them this post, the Senator's Facebook moderators reinstated me. Let's hope for better behavior this time around. Just posted these new thoughts:


**UPDATE2: Nope. New comments were just deleted.

**UPDATE3: Whoa, and now the senator's entire Facebook page seems to have disappeared! (as of 6:35PM, ET)

**UPDATE4: Oh wait, no -- turns out he just banned me/G-A-Y. Ya, because that's good "agree to disagree" strategy, Rev. Sen.!


*EARLIER: Sen. Ruben Diaz's 'agree to disagree' lie: Part I


*EARLIER STILL: Sights and sounds from the Diaz/National Organization For Marriage rally:

Photos from the rally

Presiding pastor says "Those who practice such things are worthy to death"

Preacher says 'breaking traditional marriage' will bring 'judgement and wrath of God'

Sen. Ruben Diaz' wife, Leslie Diaz, calls gays an 'abomination' and bases all opposition in her faith

NOM/Diaz rally speaker: Protect the family from Ricky Martin/the gates of hell

NOM's Brian Brown gives skewed, wholly religious speech

About that other group with a huge on-site presence, TFP

About that NOM/Diaz human chain

They were all just so -- happy

NOM-financed flyer supporting the event

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