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Video: Brian Brown, in shadow of Yankee stadium, goes to bat against basic fairness

by Jeremy Hooper

More from the National Organization For Marriage rally held today in the Bronx. Here's NOM president Brian Brown offering his typical stump speech (gays force charities out of business, same-sex marriage is coming to the public schools, etc.). But, reading the overheated religious tone of the day, Brian did throw in far more faith-based motivation than you'd ever hear him offer up when mainstream media rings his pundit line:

***Joe has closer video

*EARLIER: Photos from the rally

Sen. Ruben Diaz' wife, Leslie Diaz, calls gays an 'abomination' and bases all opposition in her faith

Presiding pastor says "Those who practice such things are worthy to death"

About that other group with a huge on-site presence, TFP

NOM-financed flyer supporting the event

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