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Video: NOM's carefully edited Bronx rally
The National Organization For Marriage's conveniently edited and rose-colored take on the Bronx rally:
And now, what really happened:
Ruben Diaz' wife said we are "enchained and enslaved by homosexuality" and "an abomination" while Brian Brown looked on, all smiles:
A preacher preached about gays being "worthy to death":
"Breaking traditional marriage" will bring "judgement and wrath of God," citing Sodom & Gomorrah and the fall of the Roman empire as instructive examples:
A Puerto Rican pastor who is on record saying Ricky Martin will "drag us all to hell!’ again suggested Ricky is opening "the gates of Hell":
Rev. Kittim Silva, a representative of Radio Vision Cristiana (one of the sponsors) sais its preferable for children to stay in the foster system than to be in gay households, and said that gays can be "changed":
FULL: NY Anti-Gay Rally Sponsor Endorses Ex-Gay Movement, Kids Better In Foster System Than With Gays [Think Progress - Wonk Room]
And the day, which should've been focused on the CIVIL marriage issue at hand, was filled with almost nothing but religious condemnation of gay people. Just check out this sign, which now comes with NOM branding:
I was there. I saw the rally. At points, I stood close enough to know whether or not Brian protects the sanctity of deodorant (happily, he seems to). You can believe NOM's careful edits or you can believe reality.