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Video: NY's equality foes kick off road trip; 'Really, you shouldn't have,' say state's fair-minded moms

by Jeremy Hooper

Fives and fives op people turned out yesterday in Elmira, NY, to hear how civilization will crumble under a more equal New York. Literally:

"Mayday For Marriage" Rolls Into Town [WETM]

*BONUS: Some b-roll of the RV in action:

[YT: Albany Update]

It was either this or a Mini Cooper. But when hoping to do something as monumental as deny a rich and vibrant population of tax-paying citizens of their equal citizenship, it's best to go big or go home.


*REMINDER: What the head of the opposition, Rev. Jason McGuire (the first guy quoted in the WETM clip), says about us when local news cameras aren't rolling. It's all about likening gays marriages to child abuse, blaming this whole debate on Satan, and praying for bill sponsors (i.e. gay men like Danny O'Donnell and Tom Duane) will be saved by Christianity:

2011.03.27 Rev. Jason McGuire, CEO
[Big Flats Wesleyan Church of Elmira, NY]

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