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Video: 'Rights have nothing to do with marriage,' say NYers who are working to keep gays from marital rights

by Jeremy Hooper

More from this weekend's "Mayday for Marriage' tour stop in Elmira, NY. Listen in as we learn why, exactly, "rights have nothing to do with marriage" in our organized opposition's view:

And of course our marriages and limitations thereupon are once again likened to those pertaining to incestuous bonds. That tells you about all you need to know in terms of respect these folks hold for our lives and loves. You know: In case the whole "mayday!" label didn't tip you off in the first place.


*REMINDER: This head of this campaign, Rev. Jason McGuire, has likened same-sex marriage to child abuse, blamed the whole debate on Satan himself, and said that the equality bill's sponsors need to be saved by Christ.

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