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Yesterday: Sen. Ruben Diaz held rally, said we can 'agree to disagree'. Today: Diaz holds online rally, says 'agree with my disagreement'

by Jeremy Hooper

We told you about it last week. Now today, a day after his beyond-incendiary rally in the Bronx, New York state Senator Ruben Diaz, Sr (D-Bronx) officially begins his boycott of New York City's largest and oldest Spanish-language daily newspaper. Primarily because the paper and its editors are too pro-gay for his liking:

Screen Shot 2011-05-16 At 2.44.15 Pm

He will, however, still allow his supporters to buy Noticias esto es totalmente e incuestionablemente soportante del Orden del día Preconcebido de Ruben Diaz (News That's Fully & Unquestionably Supportive of Ruben Diaz's Preconceived Agenda).


*UPDATE: Sen. Ruben Diaz's 'agree to disagree' lie: Part II [G-A-Y]


*EARLIER: Sights and sounds from the Diaz/National Organization For Marriage rally:

Photos from the rally

Presiding pastor says "Those who practice such things are worthy to death"

Preacher says 'breaking traditional marriage' will bring 'judgement and wrath of God'

Sen. Ruben Diaz' wife, Leslie Diaz, calls gays an 'abomination' and bases all opposition in her faith

NOM/Diaz rally speaker: Protect the family from Ricky Martin/the gates of hell

NOM's Brian Brown gives skewed, wholly religious speech

About that other group with a huge on-site presence, TFP

About that NOM/Diaz human chain

They were all just so -- happy

NOM-financed flyer supporting the event

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