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Yesterday: Sen. Ruben Diaz held rally, said we can 'agree to disagree'. Today: Diaz holds online rally, says 'agree with my disagreement'
We told you about it last week. Now today, a day after his beyond-incendiary rally in the Bronx, New York state Senator Ruben Diaz, Sr (D-Bronx) officially begins his boycott of New York City's largest and oldest Spanish-language daily newspaper. Primarily because the paper and its editors are too pro-gay for his liking:
He will, however, still allow his supporters to buy Noticias esto es totalmente e incuestionablemente soportante del Orden del día Preconcebido de Ruben Diaz (News That's Fully & Unquestionably Supportive of Ruben Diaz's Preconceived Agenda).
*UPDATE: Sen. Ruben Diaz's 'agree to disagree' lie: Part II [G-A-Y]
*EARLIER: Sights and sounds from the Diaz/National Organization For Marriage rally:
Presiding pastor says "Those who practice such things are worthy to death"
Preacher says 'breaking traditional marriage' will bring 'judgement and wrath of God'
NOM/Diaz rally speaker: Protect the family from Ricky Martin/the gates of hell
NOM's Brian Brown gives skewed, wholly religious speech
About that other group with a huge on-site presence, TFP
About that NOM/Diaz human chain
They were all just so -- happy
NOM-financed flyer supporting the event