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An eye-opening glimpse of group hosting next week's NYC marriage rally
The City Action Coalition is the group spearheading next week's "protect marriage" rally in NYC, an event with which others like the National Organization For Marriage have proudly aligned. And lo and behold: It turns out they are also the same group that, on April of this year, hosted a 90-minute lecture in which noted anti-LGBT activist Michael Brown preached all kinds of generalized animus that -- as it always does with these folks -- culminated in "ex-gay" "change."
This clip is super long, and we don't expect you to watch it all. But you can start it at around 16:00, where you will hear an event organizer talk about gays who are "mainstreaming this lifestyle, mainstreaming this choice." Then if you move just about anywhere into Michael Brown's subsequent presentation, you'll be pretty much guaranteed to hear something that goes WELL BEYOND civil marriage and instead strikes right at the cores of LGBT human beings, their families, and their overall peace of mind:
*Oh, and look who spoke to this same group in February of 2010: