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Audio: AFA speaks at Home Depot meeting; Sadly, 'your patio furniture is fabulous' was not the delivered message
The American Family Association (recognized as a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center, let us remind you) is continuing along its quest to confine lumber and caulk to only the heterosexual consumer. So at today's annual shareholder meeting, the AFA's Buddy Smith made his best case against that pesky "homosexual agenda™":
"Your current policy has already offended hundreds of thousands of customers"
(*Note: The voice at the end is the Chairman of the Board.)
SOURCE: Home Depot Shareholders Meeting Webcast [Home Depot]
Hmm. Okay. So what, exactly, does the AFA want from Home Depot? Well just listen to what Buddy shared with fellow AFA staffer Bryan Fischer only afters after his testimony at the meeting:
"We're clearly standing because we love our neighbors, because
those who are caught in this trap of homosexuality are in the clasp
of Satan and they need to know the truth. And a corporate company
like Home Depot is just not being a good citizen when they are
spreading the word of this lifestyle which is just a trap of Satan"
SOURCE: Buddy Smith attends Home Depot Stockholder meeting [AFA]
So you see, it's not their basement they really want to remodel: IT'S THE CORE OF GAY PEOPLE'S SUPPOSEDLY 'SATANIC" BEINGS!
Stand strong, Home Depot. We'll always get our screws from you, so long as you don't put the figurative Philips-head to what you know in your hearts is right.