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B.O. was B.S.? Comm. Director says President's supportive signature was neither
It seems like every year at Netroots Nation, it's an on-stage speaker's LGBT-themed interactions that become the big news. In 2009, it was Lane Hudson demanding answers of President Clinton. In '10, Dan Choi doing the same of Harry Reid. This year: It's this odd little "explanation" of the President's seemingly fluctuating marriage non/support:
White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer told the Netroots Nation blog conference this morning that the Barack Obama never filled out the 1996 questionnaire, when he was running for the Illinois legislature, in which he averred that he supports gay marriage. The questionnaire - two questionnaires in fact - have been out there for years - 15 years in fact - and it has caused the President, who now claims to oppose marriage equality for gay couples, a good amount of heartburn as reporters, such as the Blade's Chris Johnson, keep asking the White House [about] it.
"If you actually go back and look, that questionnaire was actually filled out by someone else, not the President."
More, including video: Senior White House aide: 1996 Obama gay marriage questionnaire is a fake, even though Obama signed it [Americablog]
Fake lesbians, fake questionnaires -- why is this gay week so faking weird?
*UPDATE, via Metro Weekly:
[UPDATE @ 6:55 PM: This evening, the White House is distancing itself from Pfeiffer's comments, with spokesman Shin Inouye telling Metro Weekly, "Dan was not familiar with the history of the questionnaire that was brought up today, but the President's views are clear. He has long supported equal rights and benefits for gay and lesbian couples and since taking office he has signed into law the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, signed into law the Hate Crimes bill, made the decision not to defend section three of DOMA and expanded Federal benefits for same sex partners of Federal employees."
KEEP READING: Metro Weekly Poligot