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Brian Brown wants 'dignified and civil debate' in MN; sadly, NOM's coalition partner already ruined that
In his latest e-blast, National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown predicts the following for Minnesota's 2012 ballot fight:
In 2012, we hope, pray and expect that the people of Minnesota, after a dignified and civil debate, will join 31 other states in voting to protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
They will give a visible rebuke to those who claim that the majority of Americans support gay marriage, and rebuking the voices of despair who claim that the fight for marriage cannot be won.
NOM Marriage News [NOM Blog]
So that being the case, let us now take the opportunity to remind you of just a small sampling of the "dignified and civil debate" that NOM's coalition partner in the state, the Minnesota Family Council, has already put on the record:
What kinds of claims are really going to get a visible rebuke in 2012? Well, with Steve Jobs yet to perfect the i-Crystal Ball, none of us can be sure. But we're more than confident that if the public actually learns what Minnesota's chief lobby group says about us when the magnifying glass of a campaign in not hovering over them...
(From the now-yanked section of MFC's legislative handbook)
...then a majority of that public might just decide that dejecting gays with "abnormal" labels goes a teensy bit beyond where they care to take their state's future.