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Come fall, GOP stars will gladly show up at FRC's Values Voters Summit. Here's what they'll be supporting.
You may or may not know that the Family Research Council sends out regular "Prayer Team" blasts, through which they direct their followers' altar-kneelings to a specific issue or issues. But regardless, you should certainly know that this week, the prayer is almost exclusively about us and the "evils" done on our behalf:
Pray that God will protect America from the spiritual effects of this evil [Pride Month] Presidential Proclamation. May Christians -- who will be targeted by HRC's smear campaign -- enjoy God's protection. And may this administration's efforts to promote homosexuality overseas be resisted and defeated at home and abroad! (Ps 16:1; 25:19-21; 27:5-6; 121:7-8; Ps 119:126; 140:1-13; Eph 6:10 ff; 2 Tim 3:12-17).
May God continue to stir the people and legislatures of the individual states to reject federal pressure to support abortion and gay "marriage." May efforts to overturn Obamacare, homosexual "marriage," and funding of Planned Parenthood, prevail! (Lev 19:5; Dt 9:5; Ps 110:3; Pr 1:10-16; Jer 20:10-11; Rom 1:32; Gal 6:9).
Prayer Team [FRC]
Better luck next week, world's sick and hungry!
*Oh, and as for the headline: We're using precedent as the guide. In 2007, every single GOP primary candidate -- including eventual nominee Sen. John McCain -- showed up and spoke at the VV Summit.