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'Even President Obama...' : The new 'some of my best friends are...'

by Jeremy Hooper

And this is what President Obama's non-support does to us. Or one thing, at least:

National Organization For Marriage's latest e-blast

We hear it all the time: Strident marriage foes who oppose President Barack Obama in a gagillion-and-six ways (including on marriage/civil unions) taking the Commander-in-Chief's stated position against marriage equality and using it against pro-equality advocates for both strategy and cover. Because of his own record, groups like NOM are allowed to take this major bone that he's thrown them and add it to all of the other bones that they get from their organized movement. Anti-equality advocates get a full stockpile of these bones, from the overheated to the politically reluctant. Gays get the doghouse.

Sure, President Obama's lack of support for DOMA and state/federal marriage amendments adds a colorful lining, and his support for so many other LGBT-inclusive policies keep the door open for growth. All appreciated. But up until the moment when he stops opposing same-sex marriage in word, policy, press release, and political calculation, then this President will remain a card in the opposition's deck. A powerful one, unfortunately.


*RELATED: What the President should've said last night: A President in NYC: (theoretical) Remarks as (ideally) prepared [G-A-Y]

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