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Focus on the Family fears Prez may afford equal access to U.S. 'gold standard'

by Jeremy Hooper

Ashley Horne, writing for Focus on the Family, has a few thoughts on the White House's new LGBT microsite:

A quick glance at the list and one is tempted to feel overwhelmed by all the ways that this Administration has sought to affirm homosexuality in our culture. Overwhelmed because we know that the end-goal of this Administration, and the LGBT community, is to force the culture to accept and endorse homosexuality and “trangenderism” to the point that marriage between one man and one woman is no longer upheld as the gold standard in America.

Translation: People might start to realize that same-sex marriage is not the puke green standard that the religious right has painted it as being. Because that's this community's fear here in this world where LGBT people afford no logical threat to anyone else's way of life: That folks will start to see that the heterosexist/homo-hostile emperor has no clothes! Clothes-less emperors = cash-less coffers.

Ashley continues:

[Focus on the Family's] CitizenLink is particularly concerned about the deconstruction of marriage because we care about the well-being of families and kids, and data show that children do best by nearly every measure when they are parented by a married mom and dad. In fact, one of the best ways to keep children out of poverty is for them to belong to a married mom and dad.
The President’s LGBT “Accomplishments” in Context [CitizenLink]

Now, if you click on the link that Ashley provides as the "one of the best ways..." anchor text, you will see that the data Ashley's using (from the conservative Heritage Foundation) actually has absolutely nothing to do with same-sex marriages versus opposite-sex pairings. Instead it deals, in full, with unwed mothers/unintended pregnancies -- the latter of which is pretty darn rare in the LGBT community. She's not comparing two lesbians' ability to earn and provide with an opposite-sex couples' ability to do the same: She's just using stats about unwed mothers as a stand-in for stats about LGBT people of all assorted stripes! Because that's what "winning the future" means for Focus on the Family: Disingenuously pitting just about any unrelated orange against the big, bad LGBT apple and hoping the nonsense will stick.

Forget families and marriage for a second: If this is Focus on the Family's "gold standard" for research and discourse, then we'll stick with our scrappy little tin can, thank you very much.

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