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Forward or reverse? Target opts for neutral

by Jeremy Hooper


Target Corp. said it is remaining "neutral" on Minnesota's controversial marriage amendment, despite the company's long history of policies friendly to gays and lesbians.

At its annual meeting today, Target chairman and CEO Gregg Steinhafel was asked about the company's stance on the amendment, which would put a ban on same-sex marriage into the Minnesota constitution.

"Our position at this particular time is that we are going to be neutral on that particular issue, as we would be on other social issues that have polarizing points of view," Steinhafel said.

Target CEO: We'll remain neutral on gay-marriage amendment [TwinCities.com]

Someday, the choice between treating LGBT citizens like equal human beings vs. treating discrimination like a "family value" will not be seen as polarizing. Until then: Our would-be, should-be, could-be allies can and will continue to paint this whole thing as a "controversy," even though the clear and undeniable stakes are between one crew that feels wholly comfortable to say stuff like this...

Minn. For Marriage's chief lobbyist: Gays 'live in conflict with how we are made' [G-A-Y]

Audio: Minnesota Family Council's Barb Anderson promotes
"ex-gay"and the general idea that gays are public health hazard

Minnesota Family Council researcher: 'GSAs affirm sexual disorders' [G-A-Y]

Now-yanked docs that liken gays to things like bestiality
and express outright hostility towards gay normalcy

Document roundup: Years of MFC lies, misreps,
and propaganda all geared towards "changing" gays

Yet another yanked MFC doc: Teaching gay tolerance = 'psychological tampering' [G-A-Y]

Researcher Barb Anderson vs. those who'd "normalize" homosexuality
rather than embrace her scientifically-rejected "ex-gay" viewpoints

Minnesota Family Council: Resist same-sex marriage like Lincoln resisted slavery [G-A-Y]

MFC President Tom Prichard likens same-sex marriage to the mortgage crisis [G-A-Y]

...about another crew that just wants to live and love in peace already!

You know, you have a real opportunity here, Target. You can shop around for a better deal all you want --principled fortitude will always come with a premium, regardless of trends.

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