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In which a Southern Baptist preacher validates GetEQUAL's call

by Jeremy Hooper

As you might've heard, the GetEqual group is calling on the Southern Baptist Convention to apologize to the LGBT community for "its repeated and reckless discrimination, and for the very real pain and destruction that discrimination has caused." A request to which Southern Baptist preacher Terry Fox, senior pastor of Wichita, Kansas' Summit Church, responds:

"I think they're the ones that owe America an apology," he contends. "Their whole platform, that whole organization...is nothing but perversion, and it damages families, it damages children. Ultimately, it damages our own society."
Get Equal looking to SBC for apology [ONN]

Gee, Pastor Fox: Just because GetEQUAL defined the problem, it didn't mean you had to use it in a sentence (or three)!

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