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Maggie Gallagher's TV commentaries: Less 'Crossfire', more Nick at Nite

by Jeremy Hooper

There are many things that shock us about Maggie Gallagher's chosen career. Though none more than the oddly animatronic way she is able to just repeat and rerun, verbatim, the same exact canards over and over again, completely detaching all senses of spontaneity or deep analysis from the intended commentary. Check out around the 1:20 mark in particular:


Pink top. "Two great halves of humanity." "Racism is bad, marriage is good." "Children can known and be known by..." It's like "Groundhog Day" with Gallagher: Punditry on repeat.

The whole point of this kind of commentary, presumably, is to address the specifics of a debate in hopes of moving the conversation forward. To listen and respond with cogency. To serve the debate, whether in the role of convincing or repudiation. Maggie's doing none of those things.

It's time for her to either drop the platitudes and embrace some substance, or to politely decline such invites. Because right now, a broken record of folksy old wives' tales could as ably serve the debate.

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