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#MarryME Redux

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2011-06-30 At 7.33.17 AmIt's back to the ballot in Maine. This per the Bangor Daily News:

With momentum growing from last week’s victory in New York, supporters of marriage equality think that the time has come for another try in Maine.

Today, EqualityMaine will launch a campaign to gather signatures to place marriage equality on the ballot in November 2012.

Mainers get another chance on marriage equality [Bangor Daily News]

And the ace in the hole this time: We have 2009's campaign manager, on video, all-but admitting that his side's messaging was both "Eek!"-inducing and untrue. Plus we still have the "ex-gay" supporting Bob Emrich (the co-head of the opposition campaign), whose pro-family" profile has only been raised in the past two years, all but ensuring his activity in '12. Then there's NOM, an organization that lays down overplayed hands every singly day, showing how far beyond marriage their goals really extend. So if our side doesn't play a little bit more hardball against the rhetoric this time (*while keeping our positive messaging in regards to people), then we really don't know on what kind of silver platter the opposition is going to have to serve these golden opportunities before we fully seize them.

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