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No matter how you spin it -- Focus prez' recent quotes have helped us, hurt them

by Jeremy Hooper

DalyWe were the first site to highlight Focus on the Family president Jim Daly's startling admission that his side has "probably lost" the young people and therefore the marriage fight itself. And then we sat with with bemusement as Daly and his PR team went on overdrive trying to spin that comment as no sort of concession whatsoever. No way. Nu uh. No siree.

So we we are now again humored to see Daly pretty much going back to his original answer:

What I was trying to say in that interview, when the question was asked about the younger generation, is you can’t deny the stats. So when you’re looking at that and they’re saying 65 to 70 percent of those under 40 or 35 – I can’t remember exactly – support same-sex marriage, if that does not change within that community as they become 50 or 60, yeah it’s over.
Change of Focus [Colorado Indy]
(H/t: ThinkProgress)

Well yeah, Jim: That's exactly what we all thought you were saying. It really didn't need any explanation. We got it. We get it. We're just surprised that you're admitting it!

Because here's the thing: Gay acceptance (the obvious root of marriage support) is not like any other political issue. Because it's not political for most. It wouldn't be political at all, if not for the contrived "culture wars" that groups like Focus on the Family have foisted upon us. For the young people who are polling so highly, LGBT support simply *is*. Yes, past metrics have told us that people swing conservative as they age. But again: This not the thing of politics for the majority of people under 40 (and especially younger). It's simple humanity. Simple acceptance of our natural world as it naturally is.

So for Daly, the head of a group that has so fully filled its coffers on this very issue, to so fully accept the polling, to so oddly highlight the way that his obsessive "protect marriage" movement has failed to stop the forward movement, and to help us on the side if equality push out the common belief that marriage equality is inevitable? As we said: It's surprising, that's all. Welcomed. But surprising.


*Earlier commentary relaying the whole chain of events: Jim Daly's 'probably lost' problem: He just can't pinpoint the pertinence [G-A-Y]

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