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NY pastor: Gays marching around pigeons = taking said pigeon home for a quickie

by Jeremy Hooper

More of that loving, tolerant sense of religious freedom that we hear so much about. The New York Daily News reports:

A planned gay pride picnic in the heart of Harlem has put local church leaders in a tizzy, with one pastor vowing his family won't leave the house on that day.

"If children start to believe it is okay to be gay, they will think it's okay to be a pedophile or have sex with animals," said Dr. Ronald Ferguson, the senior pastor at Antioch Church of God on W. 124th St. "It's a slippery slope."

"This gay pride nonsense is an abomination," Ferguson told the Daily News. "God does not want to see homosexuals in our parks."
Read more: Planned gay pride picnic in heart of Harlem puts local church leaders in a tizzy [NYDN]

You know what slippery slopes I'd argue are on the minds of most Harlem residents/ NY residents in general? The actual slopes. That are slippery. Because they're in need of repair. Repairs accomplished by using government resources for something that is tangibly purposeful. Like fixing a broken slope.

But what the heck do I know? I'm just a gay, married, NY taxpayer who's apparently suppressing my innate desire to screw a subway rat.

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