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NYC 'protect marriage' rally organizer: Gays must be stopped because everyone's a little gay

by Jeremy Hooper

On June 14, Joseph Mattera will lead the opponents to civil marriage equality in a downtown Manhattan rally, alongside groups like the National Organization For Marriage and the New Yorker's Family Research Foundation, part of the continued quest to deny gay people of a certain civil right. Because if they don't stop marriage equality, then New York's Pride parades are going to get *REALLY* overcrowded:

Screen Shot 2011-06-11 At 7.51.08 Am
SOURCE: JosephMattera.org

Really? Do most heterosexual people really feel like their opposite-sex desires are tenuous enough to be threatened by my ring-adorned finger? Or is just there some really odd projection going on here?

But whatever the case, we very much encourage Mr. Mattera: Introduce every speaker at next Tuesday's rally with the line, "And now here's someone else who is one gay bachelor party away from having homosexual sex..."



- NYC 'protect marriage' rally organizer: Gays self-centered, unconcerned with the poor, overbooked with anonymous sex [G-A-Y]

- Mattera making fun of "effeminate" 17-year-old "American Idol" contestant Brett Loewenstern [G-A-Y]

- An eye-opening glimpse of group hosting next week's NYC marriage rally [G-A-Y]

- NYC rally organizer: Gay a choice, modern science based on 'subjective feelings' [G-A-Y]

-The rally details: NYC: Another anti-gay rally, another civil marriage/personal faith obfuscation [G-A-Y]'

-ALSO: CBN recently used Mattera as the voice of NY marriage opposition

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