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NYC 'protect marriage' rally organizer pushes shockingly offensive lies about 'pro-gay' Hitler

by Jeremy Hooper

On June 14, Joseph Mattera will lead the opponents to civil marriage equality in a downtown Manhattan rally, alongside groups like the National Organization For Marriage and the New Yorker's Family Research Foundation, part of the continued quest to deny gay people of a certain civil right. And this is his read of gay and Holocaust history:

SOURCE: JosephMattera.org

Yup, that's right: Mr. Mattera pushes perhaps the most egregious of all of the anti-gay community's lies, suggesting not only that a population that was killed in huge numbers was actually an Adolf ally, but also that gay acceptance itself was "one reason why they killed Bible-believing Christians and Jews."

In terms of New York City values, we can think of very few claims that would more sweepingly offend so many!


*Note: Many of you surely recognize these kinds of claims as being out of Scott Lively's playbook. Well that makes complete since, since Mattera spoke alongside Lively at a recent "Wathmen on the Walls" conferences.



- NYC 'protect marriage' rally organizer: Gays must be stopped because everyone's a little gay [G-A-Y]

- NYC 'protect marriage' rally organizer: Gays self-centered, unconcerned with the poor, overbooked with anonymous sex [G-A-Y]

- Mattera making fun of "effeminate" 17-year-old "American Idol" contestant Brett Loewenstern [G-A-Y]

- An eye-opening glimpse of group hosting next week's NYC marriage rally [G-A-Y]

- NYC rally organizer: Gay a choice, modern science based on 'subjective feelings' [G-A-Y]

-The rally details: NYC: Another anti-gay rally, another civil marriage/personal faith obfuscation [G-A-Y]'

-ALSO: CBN recently used Mattera as the voice of NY marriage opposition

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