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NYC rally organizer: Gay a choice, modern science based on 'subjective feelings'
On June 14, Joseph Mattera will lead the opponents to civil marriage equality in a downtown Manhattan rally. So that being the plan, you should know ahead of time that Mr. Mattera's real reason for leading groups like the National Organization For Marriage and the New Yorker's Family Research Foundation (just two of the announced co-ralliers) in the quest to deny gay people of a certain civil right is not only (or even primarily) due to concern about the institution of marriage itself, as speakers will surely have you believe. Instead, it's because he "doesn't agree with the lifestyle" that some people have "chosen":
SOURCE: City Action Coalition: Live Show Sat Mar 5 2011 [Livestream]
- An eye-opening glimpse of group hosting next week's NYC marriage rally [G-A-Y]
-The rally details: NYC: Another anti-gay rally, another civil marriage/personal faith obfuscation [G-A-Y]'
-ALSO: CBN recently used Mattera as the voice of NY marriage opposition