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Photo: An Albany protest sign we can actually support

by Jeremy Hooper

Spotted at the NY State Capitol:

Screen Shot 2011-06-22 At 6.37.58 Pm

Right, we fully agree: Get the sameness out of sex. To-ta-llllllllly! After all, variety is the spicy lubricant of life. Or is it cumin? Either way: It makes for unbland coitus!

Oh but wait a minute -- could it be that this person is instead trying to say that her detestation for a certain notion goes well beyond marriage and instead cuts right into the heart of same-sex-loving individuals themselves? No, surely not, right? I mean, there's no hyphen. Plus the folks who show up to rally outside government buildings always say it's just about "protecting marriage," a claim they so often make in the name of God. So they would never cast such personally vicious stones against such a rich and vibrant people -- right? Right?

Eh, we're gonna go with the "no stale shtooping" statement. And if this person needs to come correct us, we should warn her that we may not hear her knocking. Blame the cumin.

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