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Rhetorical suicide: Colson likens loving gayly to jumping fatally

by Jeremy Hooper

Brown-ColsonWhy do some people reject "the teaching that the homosexual or transgendered lifestyle is morally and socially equivalent to a heterosexual lifestyle"? Well here, let conservative star, "ex-gay" advocate, and the man best known for Watergate and Enemies' Lists, Chuck Colson (pictured, on right, with NOM's Brian Brown), tell you his view:

"It’s the reason sane people don’t jump off a 10-story building. They realize that doing so would be to ignore the law of gravity and risk catastrophe. Well, in the very same way, when we violate the moral laws of the universe, we are in for a world of hurt.

And, I should add, the moral order of the universe is tied to the physical order. God made men and women in a complementary way for their mutual benefit and joy and for the propagation and nurture of the human race. To look at the human body and think otherwise is, well, irrational.
Like Jumping off a Building -- Gender and the Moral Order [Breakpoint]

Yep, that's right: Mr. Colson, conservative darling, quite literally compared being LGBT to jumping off a building. All based on Colson's Law of Gravity: What grows up, must come heterosexually.

And of course we know that this is EXACTLY the kind of rhetoric that leads to a disproportionately higher rate of attempted and completed suicides among LGBT people. So Chuck's not only being rhetorically offensive: He's quite negligently fostering a culture wherein the gravity of discrimination does, quite literally, lead to both risk and catastrophe for countless good and decent souls/families. That's not an overstatement.

But of course he says the words "God" and "values" a lot, so you know -- all is forgiven.

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